Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito 2
Mystery of Nonomura Hospital, Mystery of the Nonomura Hospital, Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito, People of the Nonomura Hospital, The Mystery of Nonomura Hospital, 野々村病院の人々, Juego de Enfermeras, 노노무라 병원 사람들
Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito,
Тайна больницы Нономура,
Mystery of Nonomura Hospital,
People of the Nonomura Hospital
Upload Date: January 23, 1997
nurse, uncensored, hd, blow job, plot
- Episode: 2
- Сценарист: Джош Шеффер
- Продюсер: Эрик МакЛеод, Брайан Роджерс
В ролях:
Александр Скарсгард
Милли Бобби Браун
Ребекка Холл
Брайан Тайри Генри
Сюн Огури
Эйса Гонсалес
Джулиан Деннисон
Лэнс Реддик
Кайл Чандлер
Демиан Бичир
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Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito 2
Такумаро Кайбара — гениальный детектив, дерзкий авантюрист и просто невероятный извращенец! Нет преступления, которое он не смог бы раскрыть, ни юбки, которую он мог бы пропустить, и всё, что бы он ни делал — во благо правосудия и
- Режиссер: Адам Вингард

Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito 1
Такумаро Кайбара — гениальный детектив, дерзкий авантюрист и просто невероятный извращенец! Нет преступления, которое он не смог бы раскрыть, ни юбки, которую он мог бы пропустить, и всё, что бы он ни делал — во благо правосудия и
- Режиссер: Адам Вингард

Plot "Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito 2"
Takumaro Kaibara: brilliant detective, daring adventurer, AND TOTAL PERVERT! There's no crime he can't solve, and no skirt he won't chase in the name of justice! So when Takumaro lands a case at Nonomura Hospital (famous for its hot nurses), it seems like a match made in Heaven.
Now somewhere between his busy schedule of pick-up lines and peeking at the nurses' panties, Takumaro must uncover the truth behind the death of the hospital's president. Was it really a suicide or was it cold-blooded murder?
The nurses aren't talking and everyone seems to be hiding something. But Takumaro isn't worried - his biggest challenge is to make it with that cute redhead, or die trying!
Now somewhere between his busy schedule of pick-up lines and peeking at the nurses' panties, Takumaro must uncover the truth behind the death of the hospital's president. Was it really a suicide or was it cold-blooded murder?
The nurses aren't talking and everyone seems to be hiding something. But Takumaro isn't worried - his biggest challenge is to make it with that cute redhead, or die trying!
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