Karakara-sama no Himitsu 1
카라카라님의 비밀 ~하늘에서 온 여신님~, Karakara-sama no Himitsu: Ten kara Kita Megami, Тайната на Каракара: Богинята, дошла от небето, カラカラ様のひみつ ~天からきた女神~
Karakara-sama no Himitsu,
Секрет Каракары,
Upload Date: November 25, 2001
fantasy, loli, virgin, shota, creampie, harem, glasses, censored, hd, blow job
- Episode: 1
- Сценарист: Джош Шеффер
- Продюсер: Эрик МакЛеод, Брайан Роджерс
В ролях:
Александр Скарсгард
Милли Бобби Браун
Ребекка Холл
Брайан Тайри Генри
Сюн Огури
Эйса Гонсалес
Джулиан Деннисон
Лэнс Реддик
Кайл Чандлер
Демиан Бичир
Other parts of this hentai
Karakara-sama no Himitsu 1
Мальчик Акимицу решил вернуться в деревню, где жил его дедушка. По приезде он узнает, что деда отдали в дар богу воды. Как парень понял позже, его родственник не умер. На такие мысли его натолкнула встреча с богиней, которая оказалась
- Режиссер: Адам Вингард

Plot "Karakara-sama no Himitsu 1"
Akimitsu went to his grandfather's village, and he was sacrificed to "Karakara-sama", the god of the water. However it was a beautiful and lovely girl that appeared. Her name was Moeki, and she said she had to have sex as a ritual. Not to mention, he couldn't reject her, and he made love with her. After that, when she came back to the heaven, she noticed that she had forgot to ask the way to come back. Because he couldn't let her alone, they began to live together. Then, their sweet life began... or so someone thought, but there already two beautiful devil girls, Hibki and Kodama, were living in his town. Immediately, they began to attack Akimitsu.
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