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Shimai Ningyou 1

Главный герой долгие годы ухаживал за тяжело больной сестрой. Они рано потеряли родителей, поэтому сестра — единственная родная душа. Но вскоре она умирает, и наш герой впадает в отчаяние. Он готов на всё, чтобы вернуть любимую сестру,

  • Режиссер: Адам Вингард
Shimai Ningyou 1

Plot "Shimai Ningyou 1"

A brother and his sister were madly in love with each other, but their love would not last forever. His sister suffering from an illness that could not be cured, the brother did everything he could to help her. Things were going well until one day when he met a girl. With her introduction, things quickly changed for him and suddenly his sister's illness took a turn for the worse and eventually led her to death.

However, his love for her was far too great for him to forget his memories of her. Feeling that god betrayed him, he went against his teachings and turned to a greater power: the demon! The demon agrees to help him out in exchange for the blood of a virgin girl - his new friend.

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